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  4. Theme Settings
  5. Sidebar


To enable sticky sidebar visit THIS documentation


To setup the sidebar go to WP Dashboard – Appearance – Widgets and put some widgets into “Sidebar” section.

Archive sidebar

Archive sidebar extend the main sidebar. You can display different widgets on archive pages (like category, tags, author archive page). The main sidebar must be enabled (must have some widgets)

You can keep it empty to display main sidebar content.

Footer Section

Section after the content, before the footer area.

To edit number of footer columns (1-4), navigate to Customizer – Global Options – Footer widgets columns

You can setup the Sidebar position and width. There are two ways:

1. Via Customizer

– Go to Customizer – Sidebar and set the position (left or right). You can setup the sidebar size.

2. In the post/page option tab

Every post and page has own section to setup the content. Edit the post/page and scroll below the content area. You can find there tab “Futurio Extra” with post/page options. Setup the sidebar position or disable it. This option override the option in Customizer on edited post/page.

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